
如何成为一名教师Most of us have a favorite teacher from our childhoods; maybe it was the teacher who taught you how to read or the one who taught you how to value diversity, 甚至是教你踢足球的人. 也许那位老师就是你想成为一名教师的灵感来源. If you’re asking yourself what degree do you need to be a teacher and are ready to learn about the steps for becoming the teacher you aspire to be, 看看这个 如何成为一名教师导游!

我们已经分解了成为一名教师的步骤, 包括你需要什么学位,你必须通过什么考试. 虽然成为一名教师有很多不同的途径, 他们都是从学士学位开始的,但并不是都到此为止.


  1. 参加学士学位课程
  2. 展示你的基本能力
  3. 参与学生教学
  4. 参加教师资格考试




learn_stepstobecometeacher_bachdegree.png 第一步:注册学士学位课程


好吧, the first step to becoming the teacher you aspire to be is to enroll in an accredited bachelor’s degree program, 比如格温内斯默西大学教育学院提供的课程.

Most public school districts and other education employers require at least a bachelor’s degree in addition to state certification to teach in their schools


步骤2: 展示你的基本能力learn_stepstobecometeacher_basiccompetence.png
Pennsylvania requires aspiring teachers to pass state-required examinations that assess general knowledge and basic skills, 同时具备专业知识和特定学科领域知识.

在GMercyU,所有想成为一名教师的一年级学生都从这个项目开始 教育研究 你将完成前45个学分的课程. 只要你修完至少45个学分,累积绩点至少3分.0, 你需要证明你在数学方面有核心能力, 阅读, 以及宾夕法尼亚州教育部要求的写作.


  • 你可以参加Pearson提供的PAPA考试
  • 你可以参加由ETS提供的核心学术技能考试
  • 然而, 取决于你高中的ACT或SAT成绩, 你可能不需要参加这些考试
    • SAT(数学)考试中任一部分的得分都在500分以上, 阅读或写作)将免除相应的基本技能考试
    • 如果你在2016年8月之后参加了ACT考试, the following scores will exempt you from the basic skills exam: Reading: 22; Math: 22; Writing: 8

(Please note: GMercyU will not require students to submit standardized test scores for Fall 2022! 点击这里了解更多.)

一旦你证明了你在数学上的核心能力, 阅读, 和写作, 你就可以进入GMercyU 幼儿教育学位.



Most bachelor’s in education degree programs require you to spend at least a semester in a real classroom. 在你的学生教学经历中, 你将有机会练习管理教室, 同时还能得到合作老师和大学教授的支持. This real-world ex每ience will elevate your confidence and prepare you for a successful teaching career after graduation.

在选择在哪里获得教育学学士学位时, 一定要选择一所有很强的师生实习项目的学校.

在GMercyU, 例如, we have a dedicated Field Placement Director who will support you throughout your student teaching ex每ience.



为了成为一名合格的教师, you’ll need to take the teacher certification exam that relates to both your course of study and the state in which you want to become certified. 虽然通过的分数可能因州而异,但所有未来的教师都要参加相同的考试.

在选择在哪里获得教育学学士学位时, you also want to choose a school that has a strong program in place to prepare you to successfully pass these exams:

  • 如果你要教学前班到四年级, 你将参加宾夕法尼亚州教育工作者认证考试早期学习模块1,皮尔逊街2号和3号.
  • 特殊教育学前班到四年级, you’ll take the Pennsylvania Educator Certification Test 特殊教育 Modules 1 and 2 through Pearson.
  • 申请中等教育证书, you’ll take the Praxis II exam through ETS in the specific content area for which you’ll be teaching.


While a bachelor’s degree in education is the minimum level of education you’ll need to become a teacher, 你可以选择教什么,在哪里教. 你可以专攻特殊教育, 中等教育, 中层教育, 或者早期儿童教育. 中等教育证书为你在高中教学做准备, 所以你也要选择一个特定的领域, 比如科学, 数学或历史.

虽然总是需要有能力的人, 合格的教师, 在某些学科领域,这种需求比其他学科更大. 根据 美国新闻, there is a growing need in the fields of special education, math, science, and bilingual education.

在大多数情况下,拥有学士学位只是成为一名教师的第一步. Most states and school districts require teachers have passed the teacher certification exam, 叫做实践, 开始工作前.
一旦你在教室里找到了理想的工作, 你可以选择继续你的教育并获得更高的学位. 的 美国国家教育统计中心 2011年至2012年,56%的公立学校教师拥有硕士或更高学位. What’s more: the NCES found that the base annual salary of those teachers who had their master’s degree was almost 比只有学士学位的教师多挣1.1万美元.

在宾夕法尼亚州, the difference in salary between classroom teachers with a bachelor’s degree and those with a master’s degree are comparable to the differences nationally. 在下面的图表中, you can see the aver年龄 salaries of classroom teachers in Pennsylvania for the 2015-2016 school year, 每 openpagov.org.

学士学位 $60,377
硕士学位 $70,481
博士学位 $81,917


一般来说,要成为一名教师至少需要四年的时间. Your individual timeline depends on your course of study when you decide to take your state certification exams, 你想教哪些科目和年级, 你的位置.

大多数学区要求学生至少拥有学士学位, 这至少需要四年才能完成. 在那段时间里, 你将通过学生教学和课堂观察获得现实世界的经验. 四年后,你会觉得自己准备好了,准备好激励你未来的学生! 在教育领域有更多的职业道路,而不仅仅是教学. 我们的 教育职业指南 能帮你确定最好的道路吗.

But even before beginning your bachelor’s degree, you’ll have to decide what you want to teach. Are you interested in pursuing a dual degree in a subject such as history, math or special education? You should also think about what grade level you’re interested in teaching; do you see yourself working in a preschool or elementary school, 或者你更愿意教高中生? 在参加教师培训计划之前,这些都是需要考虑的重要事情. 如果您不确定哪个方向最适合您,请花几分钟完成我们的 我应该成为什么样的老师? 测试.

作为学士学位课程的一部分,你将参加州认证考试. 这些考试将测试你的具体内容知识和你的学术知识. Teacher certification is generally required to work in public schools and is state specific. So, 如果你想在宾夕法尼亚教书的话, 例如, you should make sure your Praxis results are sent to the Pennsylvania Department of Education.



早些时候,我们列出了成为一名教师的步骤. 然而,每个州对教师的要求各不相同. 所以,虽然基本要求与你上面读到的相似, 宾夕法尼亚州对所有教师都有一些具体的要求, 具体如下:

  1. 完成你的学位课程. Pennsylvania requires aspiring teachers to complete their education at one of the more than 100 teacher preparation programs approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. 这些课程包括课堂作业和学生教学. 宾夕法尼亚州要求平均绩点至少为3分.参加认证考试是不可能的.
  2. 通过认证. 在你获得学位后,你将有资格参加规定的州考试. Required tests – as well as qualifying scores—are occasionally reviewed and updated by the PA Department of Education, so check the department’s website before you take the exam to make sure you have the most current information.
  3. 获得工作. 只要你拿到了教师资格证, 你可以在宾夕法尼亚州的公立和私立学校面试工作.

宾夕法尼亚州教师工资 & 好处

Teacher salaries in the state of Pennsylvania will vary by region and school district, but the 劳工统计局 编制了一份该州教师平均年薪的清单:

级别/认证 9 - 9 PA平均工资(2017年)
幼儿园 $56,090
小学 $65,370
中学 $65,270
中等教育 $66,020
早期教育和特殊教育 $64,280
中学和特殊教育 $65,270
高中和特殊教育 $64,470


2016-2017学年,州为 宾夕法尼亚州全州教师短缺 在下列学科或主题方面:

PreK-12: 特殊教育

Nursery-12: 听力受损、言语及语言受损

二级: 外国语言文学、生命与物理科学

第7 - 12的成绩: 数学

所有级别: EL

职业科目:建筑维修, 业务, 木工, 电子, 健康-Dental, 砌筑, 参加后备役军官训练军团


除了你的学位, 还有一些其他因素影响教师的工资, 包括地理位置. 如你所见, 2015年费城地区教师的平均年薪高于全国.



在获得学士学位和州教师证书之后, 你可以决定继续攻读教育学硕士学位. 如果你已经教了几年书, a master’s degree in education administration could prepare you for the role of Principal or Vice Principal, or a master’s degree in special education can prepare you to offer specialized support to students if you’re looking for another way to make a difference in your school community, 你可能会决定攻读学校咨询的硕士学位.
Master’s degrees are generally at least 30 credits and can be taken online or in a traditional classroom setting. 的 number of classes you take at one time can determine the amount of time it takes you to complete your master’s degree.

无论你获得什么学位,作为一名教师,你注定要终身学习. 随着你教授的每一门新课程,你的观点都会改变和成长. 在你的教学生涯中, 我们会尝试新的策略, 即将实施的新规定, 以及摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站如何更好地接触学生的新研究. 与其他老师交流, 合作上课, 与学生交流将帮助你成为你渴望成为的老师.


At GMercyU教育学院, we've compiled a team of dedicated professors who are committed to helping you hone your own su每powers on your quest to become a teacher. 通过教师学徒计划(TAP)和学生教学等工具, 您将获得改变mg摆脱电子游戏官方网站所需的实践经验.

  • 通过GMercyU 教师学徒计划(TAP) undergraduate education majors participate in classroom observations beginning in their very first semester on campus and then continue to gain valuable hands-on ex每ience through pre-student and student teaching opportunities.

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